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Image by Alesia Kazantceva


Are you ready to unleash your leadership potential?

Your One Stop Leadership Solution!

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Dr. Rochelle Hinds

CEO of RHinds Consulting Group

Dr. Rochelle Hinds is an experienced educator and transformational leader.  She has a passion for helping schools and districts improve student outcomes and achieve their goals. Throughout her 17 years in the education field, she has developed a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that school and district leaders face, and she is committed to providing personalized, research-based support that meets the needs of her clients. She has demonstrated proven ability in transformational leadership, curriculum and instruction, organization management, compliance, and program development.


1:1 Leadership Coaching

Personalized and individualized support for school leaders to become effective change agents with the use of evidence based research practices that will improve teaching and learning across schools and districts

Aspiring Leadership Development

This service is designed to develop and unleash the leadership potential for  Assistant Principals and Teacher leaders through a thought provoking and creative process that builds on strengths and supports underdeveloped areas of leadership. 

District Leadership Training

We work with principals and lead district administrators to identify target areas in need of support. We assist school and district leaders in creating and executing a strategic plan customized to school goals.

And More!

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Want to be a Highly Effective Leader?

Tap into our exclusive offers that will support you in attaining your professional goals.


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